On this page you will find some example VRML worlds created or modified using Themekit's own software. All of the objects in the gallery were exported from MindFormer - the object/animation tool. Some of the objects were then edited to add Live3D browser specific nodes, for backgrounds, but the colours, textures and architecture were all handled in MindFormer.

To use the gallery we recommend using the full screen for the browser to allow as much space for the various frames presented. Then all you need to do is to find an interesting image in the 2D gallery on the right (remember that this slides up and down to reveal more images) and then click on the example you wish to see. The 3D frame will then be updated to show the VRML object which can then be interactively explored. Note that the MindFormer object designer allows many rendering options not available on your 3D browser (or at least not specifiable using VRML) so don't be surprised if your 3D image doesn't look quite the same as the 2D image! All of the 2D images are screen saved from the MindFormer object designer tool.

If you would like to add a MindFormer object to our VRML page please e-mail us.
Currently, every object and texture on this page has been created by Themekit and are copyright as such. Please do not redestribute the textures or objects.

Tel: +44 (0)7000 THEMEKIT (843 635)
Fax: +44 (0)7000 790 326
Email: sales@themekit.com
WWW: http://www.themekit.com