e n a b l i n g - v i r t u a l - r e a l i t y
Welcome to ThemeKit
ThemeKit is an established development company specialising in low cost and highly functional VR Software. Our company goal is to bring affordable Virtual Reality to the home and education markets. For this reason we have designed a powerful and intuitive suite of tools that is very affordable but most importantly is easy to use. All the rendering we do is in real-time on a standard Pentium PC, so the chances are that you are using a PC with more than the ability to reproduce everything you see on this site. Our site is structured so it is easy to find your way around and, if you get the chance, please feel free to download a copy of one or our demo's. Finally, before you leave this site please bookmark this page for future reference. We will be updating regularly and also showing worlds and models created by some of our users, well worth coming back for…
Themekit Systems Ltd
P.O. Box 5359
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7000 THEMEKIT (843 635)
Fax: +44 (0)7000 790 326
Email: sales@themekit.com
WWW: http://www.themekit.com
ThemeKit recognises all trademarks referred to in these pages.